Saturday, January 7, 2012

Is there anything I can do to get my money from my ex?

My husband and I separated in June of last year. He was in the army at that time. I had to fight to finally get some money sent last month. His Captain ordered to send a certain amount by the end of January. I have yet to receive it. I emailed is cpt asking for a copy of the papers, but all of my ex's files were destroyed the week he was chaptered out of the army (app. 2 weeks ago) so they have nothing. My ex has said that he sent it and that he has proof he sent it but will not give me any proof, and he claims he doesn't know the date that he sent it (which should be on the receipt from when it was sent). I have not yet filed for child support since he's been chaptered out. Other than filing, is there anything I can do to get this money without official papers? I have an unsigned copy of the orders he was given to pay me but without signatures it really doesn't mean much does it? Should I still go to the police and see if they can help me out? Should I file for child support first? (Although filing NOW won't help me get the money from last month.) I live in Virgina if this helps anyone out. Thanks!

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